Aggressive and Combative Elements
The M.A.C.E. Program is a program designed especially
for law enforcement, corrections and regulatory agencies and has
application to private sector corporations who deal with difficult
and angry people. The CJSTC Practitioner is trained in the legal
responsibilities and ramifications of the decisions they make on
the job. These decisions frequently impact the lives of many people,
as a result, there is a special stress and demand placed on the
individuals who interact with either the public or the incarcerated
for the purpose of enforcing the laws of the state. These exceptional
individuals work in one of the most demanding careers available
requiring many specialized skills.
Perhaps one of the areas of greatest demand is interacting with
individuals in such a way as to diffuse potentially violent reactions.
This is critical for officer safety and the safety of the individual
being managed. Most training programs neglect the skills needed
to function effectively with aggressive individuals in ways that
lower the risk of violence with non-violent interventions. We believe
that when your agents and officers develop high levels of awareness
and skills needed to manage at risk interpersonal interactions,
discourtesy and excessive force complaints decrease, angry people
are managed better, and the public image/experience of your agency
is enhanced.
The final day of training participants are confronted in a highly
supervised, live "hot" scenario to test their skills.
These scenarios are video taped. Each participant is debriefed by
the instructors as to how they could improve their skills.
This program will help your agents and officers prevail in the management
of interpersonal situations. You know how not to present yourself
as a target with weapons, now learn how not to become a target when
you interact with aggressive individuals.
Benefits to your agency:
Decrease liability exposure by increasing officer effectiveness
with citizens and violators.
Reduction of discourtesy complaints
Enhanced public image of officers and staff
here to see what others have to say about the M.A.C.E. Program
Course objectives:
Students in this class will be instructed in the following areas
and content
1. Officer Safety
2. Understand the relationship between self-management and effective
citizen/violator management
3. Understand how to choose your attitude and it's impact on others
4. Learn how to recognize symptoms and relieve the effects of stress
5. Learn how to increase effectiveness in interpersonal relationships
6. Study effective communication skills
7. Learn how to influence angry people in a live scenario for video
tape review
8. Reemphasis of integrity, responsibility and professionalism
Who should attend? This course is designed for effectiveness
with several target groups. Because angry and combative individuals
are found on the street, in the cell and among coworkers, we recommend
this program for line officers, supervisors as well as administrators
and support staff.
Day One: Human Behavior I
Lieutenant Arthur G. Burnley
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
This energetic and entertaining seminar teaches participants key
elements of human behavior as it relates to the individual officer.
The better the C.J.S.T.C professional officer understands himself/herself,
he/she will cope better with their professional demands. This day
of training enhances the officer's resources in self-management
and the art of influencing the behavior of the citizen/violator.
Arthur G. Burnley is a twenty-seven year veteran of state law enforcement
with a broad range of professional experience and training. He is
a certified C.J.S.T.C. instructor in the high liability areas of
firearms, self-defense, driving and human diversity. Additionally,
he has over 30 years of teaching experience to include military,
civilian, college and criminal justice courses. He has an extensive
background in the study and training of officer survival and human
Day Two: Human Behavior II
Lieutenant Arthur G. Burnley
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
This day is devoted to understanding rude, obnoxious, and aggressive
individuals, Techniques that will aid the officer in dealing with
the many different behavior types will be discussed and practiced.
Anger, confrontation analysis, assertiveness, stance and venting
are just a few of the many topics to be discussed. The day will
be highlighted by frank discussion on integrity, unity, teamwork
and responsibility of the professional officer.
Day Three: Scenario Practice: Verbal Confrontation
Lt. Arthur G. Burnley
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
The student will participate in a live video taped scenario relating
to his specific job responsibility. This scenario training will
consist of a realistic, work-related verbal confrontation with a
citizen/violator which allows the officer to demonstrate impulse
control skills learned in the class. This role play is professionally
monitored for safety by C.J.S.T.C certified trainers. At the conclusion
of the role play, the officer will view the video tape with a member
of the Success Foundation staff in debriefing designed to positively
instruct the officer in ways to improve safety and effectiveness.
Additionally, there is a class-wide discussion of the critiques
and the scenario experiences. The day will conclude with a discussion-type
written exam, class evaluation and presentation of certificates.
Day Four: Personal and Professional Stress Management
Dr. Robert C. Simpson
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM (Half-Day)
During the morning session, this class takes participants into the
personal dynamics of stress, it's effects on the body and teaches
effective methods to regain control in life. This is a fascinating
class unlike any stress course you've had. The afternoon session
develops interpersonal skills and teaches participants how to maximize
effectiveness in interpersonal relationships. Participants learn
how to successfully communicate with others as well as how to reduce
stress, reduce conflict and develop effective ways to manage self
and others. This class also covers the skills of understanding relationships,
purposes, boundaries, listening, understanding, and communicating
with others in a way, which reduces stress and increases personal
effectiveness. Special emphasis is placed on critical communication
Robert C. Simpson, Ph.D., is President of Success Foundations, Inc.
and an expert in human interaction and self-management. A highly
effective speaker with 21 years of clinical experience teaching
people to overcome challenges, he brings a humorous and practical
approach that can only be found in seasoned expertise.
Class Size: M.A.C.E. classes are most effective with the
number of participants ranging between 30 and 35 students.
Materials: Workbooks are provided for each participant. Certificates
by the Academy.